
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Seniors: Rendy Clark

I LOVE Rendy's personality. She is funny, sassy, and absolutely sweet. I think her eyes might be the most dangerous two things a girl could posses.

Aren't these the cutest??


Rendy Clark said...

Aboslutely love them!!!! Sooo excited!!!!

Shasta Clark said...

They bring tears to my eyes. Claire, you brought out every part of Rendy in these pictures. I will cherish them forever. My last Little Girl. You are a Natural.. Thanks, Thanks, & Thanks,

About Me

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Wife. Mother of two ADORABLE, wild rag-a-muffins. Southern Belle. Lover of Nature and Surprises. Hater of Bugs and Smacking. World traveler. Shutterbug. Knitter.
