Haley and Brent's entire wedding day was fun. They made sure to spend the day celebrating with family and friends from morning to late night. The wedding and reception were designed (along with every BEAUTIFUL floral arrangement) by the amazing John Grady Burns. The cake was created by Baum's Bakery.
Looking for a great bag? A friend and mentor of mine has created her own bag line that is one of the most beautiful accessories you will ever find. It is chic and classic with plenty of room for all of your needs. It seamlessly transitions from night to day to diaper bag to camera bag. Check out her site Here.
The Mizell's wedding was one that I truly was blessed to photograph. Both Mrs. Debbie and Mr. Glenn are extremely special people to Wesley and to me, and we are so excited for them. Seeing the love and care that these two have for each other is one that will make you thankful for marriage.
Wife. Mother of two ADORABLE, wild rag-a-muffins. Southern Belle. Lover of Nature and Surprises. Hater of Bugs and Smacking. World traveler. Shutterbug. Knitter.